domingo, 7 de junio de 2009

U.K consists of..................

The UK consists of the regions known as England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

This is Scotland's Flag.
Scotland is represented by the flag of St. Andrew. It is called the "St Andrews Flag".

This is Scotland's Flag. Scotland "
This is England's Flag.
England is represented by the flag of St. George.

This flag is the Patron Saint of Ireland.
On the Union Flag, Northern Ireland is represented by the flag of St. Patrick.

Republic of Colombia is a country located in north-western South America, with its capital city Bogota. Its area is 2,070,408 km2, of which 1,141,748 km2 corresponding to its continental territory and the remaining 928,660 km2 of its length at sea. Is bounded on the east by Venezuela and Brazil, the south by Peru and Ecuador and northwest by Panama.

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